Restoration Architecture in Eau Withington

Restoration Architecture in Eau Withington

We have restored hundreds of structures throughout the UK and are renowned as the best restoration architects. Get in touch today for more information.

Structure Restoration in Eau Withington

Structure Restoration in Eau Withington

As specialist restoration architects we can plan and complete a range of restoration services regardless on the size of the job.

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Restoration Architects in Eau Withington

A restoration project can be important for buildings with historical significance or for any one-of-a-kind old buildings that have worn down over the years. However, finding the proper restoration techniques can be tough when dealing with historic structures.

Our restoration architecture services are carried out by well-trained and experienced teams that understand the ins and outs of restoration work. As a restoration architecture firm, it is our responsibility to ensure that any historic building we work on stays accurate and usable.

If you are not sure where to begin with building conservation or are having trouble with finding restoration architects that will stick to your intended vision, then we can provide the services that you need in a friendly, consistent, reliable and efficient manner.

But before you make any decisions, what else do you need to know and consider about this kind of historic preservation - and how can we offer it?

Why Do You Need A Conservation Architect?

There is a major difference between a conversation architect and a regular construction team. While you can easily get some professionals to build up a new, modern version of the building, they are not necessarily going to offer all of the same quirks and features that the original had.

A heritage structure deserves to keep all of its historical elements and character. As restoration architects, we pay attention to the property's history and design, keeping everything of historical significance while still making it safe to use in the modern-day.

A good architect team - like our own - can also uncover things that you would not notice yourself: areas that need emergency repairs, architecture that can be easily replicated with modern techniques, and so on. This makes it much easier to ensure that the building stays standing and looks like it should.

Historic Value

Some architectural elements hold their own value, like architecture that was only used in specific periods. Our restoration architects make sure that the building retains its original look and feel, sometimes even down to using the same original material selection.

The historical value of a structure often also means that the government will want it to be kept around and might even get involved in maintaining it. For private sites, though, this value can be all the reason you need to keep it pristine, just like it was years ago.


The historic character of a building still needs to let tenants or owners use it properly. We aim to preserve the structures as they were but still have a renovation process that allows walls, floors and roof areas to be kept safe.

If a space is not usable due to safety concerns, then there is no guarantee that it will stay standing. Rather than leaving a building to hold itself up and eventually collapse or rot away, proper care can keep it around for longer and make it a safe structure again.


Many older buildings are tough to maintain with their original materials. Rehabilitation of an old building is one of our main focuses: we want the building to be restored to its former glory, even if that means re-creating sections or extensions that have been lost to time.

Some repairs are going to be necessary no matter what - particular walls might be in danger of falling down, floors might have caved in, and flooding could have damaged certain rooms over the years. Whatever the case, good repairs are something we aim to offer all of our clients.


Finally, there are simply buildings with a unique style that has not been developed or been replaced since it was originally created.

By using the same chemical recipe as the original architect, we can restore a building in its own style, but with a modern skeleton that offers more safety, comfort and useful features like climate controls.

Why are Restoration Architects Important?

Knowledge of the past is not always important to homeowners, but there can be countless reasons that restoring a building (instead of completely replacing or 'updating' it) is the preferred option. For some people, they simply want the building to look the same as it used to.

Whatever your reason, we can offer everything you might need, so feel free to contact us and ask for assistance. Our teams are on standby, and we are always prepared for another project.

Preserving Meaning

Some buildings have a history that matters to an indigenous group or other important population, and preservation of these sites can be a major part of keeping their culture alive. It can also serve as an important reference for knowledge of certain historical periods.

All cultural heritage sites are important in this way. This can include things like making sure that a cathedral's spire is refurbished, just as the US's National Trust for Historic Preservation will keep certain buildings preserved at their most significant time in history.

This does not just have to be for a certain culture, either. Some buildings are valuable to people all over the country, and others are buildings that simply have not been usable in a long time. Whatever the reason, proper restoration can help keep them usable without putting anybody in danger.

Making a Building Safe

Part of the preservation and restoration process involves making sure that a building has safe architecture.

A good example of this can be old houses that when they were built did not have glass windows or stable floors. New materials (like double-glazed glass and reinforced wood) can be used in a concealed manner to keep the architecture the same but prevent future accidents or damage to the buildings themselves.

Updating Materials

A heritage structure may have been constructed with materials or architecture that is tough to maintain in its original form. The process of replacing the building entirely would be easier, but keeping the original architecture is often the better option.

A building that keeps the same general architecture but undergoes refurbishment is much easier to use as a house, hotel, tourist spot, or education site. The Notre Dame spire is a great example, restored in the same way that it was completed according to the original design but with modern methods.

How Can We Help?

Preservation of historic buildings can seem easy in theory, at least at a basic level. But what can our architects actually do that makes such a difference?

During Planning

A historic building often needs a plan for how renovation or preservation will be carried out. Good planning can often determine whether or not projects like this will be successful, especially considering that future mistakes could ruin an attempt to restore a site.

Plan out the Project

Planning a full restoration project on your own can be tough, especially when you do not have any architect experience to know how feasible certain parts of the project might be.
When it comes to conservation projects that are based around a specific structure, you need architects to get a full understanding of what is possible. Our architect teams might have to search the site to see which features are safe and which need to undergo more construction to be secure, for example.

List Architecture Features

Our teams can look at a building and understand which parts of the architecture are worth full restoration. While some heritage sites are fully suitable for restoration in their current state, others need certain pieces of architecture to be rebuilt for extra stability or easier maintenance.

We can potentially conduct a search of your site to see if there are any risky areas worth mentioning. If you need a professional search by a team of experienced architects, then get in touch and let us know.
Estimate a Timeframe

Having an idea of how long construction and conversation will take is always important. Sometimes an extension is needed to deal with unexpected project hurdles, but we can still estimate when the structure will be fully restored.

A proper timeframe also makes it easier to estimate when different kinds of work might be needed, like restoration turning into safety checks. The more you know, the easier it becomes to plan the rest of your required work.

During a Historic Building Restoration Project

Once a restoration-focused project is underway, there are certain things that need to be considered almost constantly until the work is complete. Our services can easily fill these niches and provide all of the architect help that you might need.

Understand Heritage Value

Knowing the value of a particular structure or just part of a structure can be vital during conservation and restoration. You do not want architects that take down a stained glass window that has been there your entire life, for example.

Knowing what needs restoration and what needs conservation is a difficult skill, but it is also something that our architects are able to work on. A good architect can tell what should be upgraded in the future and what needs to remain part of the past.

Keep Track of Building Work

Architect teams do not do construction themselves, but we can make sure that we get the construction work done according to the architects that we send. If a building needs very specific restoration, then we will make sure that the restoration gets done according to the plan you have helped create.

Restoration aims are different for each building and site, so there is not a perfect system for making it all happen. Knowing what is happening to the structure and what stage of the process it has entered can be important to our clients, and we understand that very well.

Prevent Mistakes

Conservation can be delicate. Something that needs to be restored can easily be damaged if the building is not treated carefully, and while particular things can be replaced if they are destroyed or ruined, that is still an outcome that should not happen.

Our professional experience allows us to manage restoration work in a way that helps the structure be restored to its original form without putting certain parts in unnecessary danger unless they need to be replaced anyway.

During Maintenance of Historic Buildings

Restoration can also cover the act of maintaining an existing building and ensuring that the space does not collapse or fall apart. If a building has been around for several times the length of your own life, then it can already be quite frail and hard to use.

Keep It Safe

We aim to make sure that all structure restoration makes a building safe for day-to-day life. While the future purpose of the building might be more of an education site than a home, it is still vital that we make it a safe place for people to work, live or experience without any danger.

While metropolitan architecture may be relatively safe, there is always the chance that something could go wrong during the process. Even a small issue could make a space harder for clients to use, so we try to ensure that all risks are dealt with as soon as they arise.

Use Appropriate Materials

Our staff will always try to handle restoration in a way that matches the historical life of the building. If a structure uses a certain type of wood polish, we can try to get a similar sort of polish or install a wood that naturally looks the same.

While using materials from other periods (especially modern materials) is sometimes important for safety reasons, we are also able to 'dress up' a structure and keep any non-standard changes hidden so that the illusion is not shattered.

Keep You Up To Date

If we search through the property and find any areas that need extra restoration, or have an idea on how a certain process can be made easier, then we will let you know what we come up with. When handling a project like structure restoration, a good idea can sometimes save a lot of time and money.

We always aim to make sure that our clients understand what is happening, how much work we have done and what the next steps are. The more informed you are, the easier it becomes to know that your structure is in safe hands and that the restoration is continuing as planned.

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